Public Administration Research

Public Administration researchers examine organizational, administrative, and policy sciences as they apply to government and governance. Our researchers are called to delve into controversial issues while remaining neutral.

Our Areas of Research



Organizational justice

Public sector compensation

Regional economics

Social theory

Stereotyping and discrimination

Workplace diversity


Select Faculty Publications

Suzette Caleo

Mendoza, S.A. & Caleo, S. (upcoming). Diversifying the Police through the Tenets of Intergroup Contact Theory, Frontiers in Organizational Psychology, 2. https://doi:10.3389/forgp.2024.1457526

Heilman, M. E, Caleo, S., and Manzi, F. (2024).  Women at work: Pathways from gender stereotypes to gender bias and discrimination. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 11: 165-192.

Heilman, M. E, Manzi, F., and Caleo, S. (2019). Updating impressions: The differential effects of new information on evaluations of women and men. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 152, 105-121.

Caleo, S. and Heilman, M. E (2019). What could go wrong? Some unintended consequences of gender bias interventions. Archives of Scientific Psychology, 7, 71-80.

Caleo, S. (2018). When distributive justice and gender stereotypes coincide: Reactions to equity and equality violations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48, 257-268.

Caleo, S. (2018). Research framing, victim blaming: Toward an empirical examination of victim precipitation and perpetrator predation paradigms. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 11(1), 134-137.

Heilman, M. and Caleo, S. (2018). Combatting gender discrimination: A lack of fit framework. Group Processes and lntergroup Relations, 21, 725-744.

Caleo, S. (2016). Are organizational justice rules gendered? Reactions to men's and women's justice violations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(10), 1422-1435.

Whitman, D. S., Caleo, S., Carpenter, N., Horner, M., and Bernerth, J. (2012). Fairness at the collective level: A meta-analytic examination of the consequences and boundary conditions of organizational justice climate. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(3), 776-791.

Van Rooy, D. L, Whitman, D. S, Hart, D., and Caleo, S. (2011). Measuring employee engagement during an economic downturn: Business imperative or nuisance?. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26, 147-152.

Heilman, M. E., Caleo, S., and Halim, M. L. (2010). Just the thought of it!: Effects of anticipating computer-mediated communication on gender stereotyping. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 672-675.

Roy Heidelberg

Heidelberg, R. (2024). What’s old is new: AI and bureaucracy. In R. Paul, E. Carmel, & J. Cobbe (Eds), Handbook on Public Policy and Artificial Intelligence (pp.53-65). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Heidelberg, R. L. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and the Modern Condition of Expertise. Administration & Society, 56(1), 73–95. 

Heidelberg, R. (2021). “The Impersonal Sovereign.” Administration and Society, 53(5), 787-810. 

Heidelberg, R. and Surak, S. (2020). “The Administrative Making of the Recycler.” Policy Studies 41(4), 331-349

Heidelberg, R. (2020). “The Becoming of the Policy Maker” Administration and Society 52(8), 1239-1267. 

Eckerd, A and Heidelberg, R. (2020). “Administering Participation” American Review of Public Administration 50(2), 133-147 (online first: 

Heidelberg, R. (2019). “Ten Theses on Accountability.” Administrative Theory & Praxis 42(1) 6-26. (online first: 

Heidelberg, R. (2019). “The Democracy Problem.” Administration and Society, 51(5) 692-723. (First published online 2017 

Heidelberg, R. (2018). “Getting it Right: Public Administration Undergoing Epistemology.” Administrative Theory & Praxis, 40(1), 23-42.

Heidelberg, R. (2016). “The Power of Knowing the Rules.” The American Review of Public Administration. 46(6), 734-750  https://doi:10.1177/0275074015575353 

Heidelberg, R. (2015). “Public Administration, Popular Sovereignty, and la Police.” Administrative Theory & Praxis 37(3)

Heidelberg, R. and Desai, A. (2015). “Simulation Rules: The Role of Simulation in Policy Inquiry.” Administrative Theory & Praxis, 37(1)

Eckerd, A. and Heidelberg, R. (2015). "Public Incentives, Market Motivations, and Contaminated Properties: New Public Management and Brownfield Liability Reform." Public Administration Review 75(2)

Eckerd A. & Heidelberg, R.L. (2015) “Federal and state reforms to incentivize brownfield developments have only enhanced developers’ profits on existing projects.” London School of Economics USAPP available at 

Heidelberg, R. (2014). Review of Strings Attached: Untangling the Ethics of Incentives by Ruth Grant, Public Administration, 92(1)

Heidelberg, R. (2012). “Exploring Assumptions through Possible Worlds.” In Simulation for Policy Inquiry, ed. Anand Desai

Richardson, J.A., & Heidelberg, R. (2012). “Using Simulation as a Scenario Builder for Decision Making: A Case Study of the Nurse Family Partnership Program in Louisiana.” In Simulation for Policy Inquiry, ed. Anand Desai

Heidelberg, R. and Eckerd, A. (2011). “A Challenge to the Ownership Society.” The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 16(1)

Heidelberg, R. (2011). Review of Qualitative Research Methods for Public Administration by Larry S. Luton, Journal of Public Affairs Education, 17(2)

Moulton, S. and  Heidelberg, R. (2010) “Beyond the Market: Homeownership and Public Values” PA Times, 33(5), 3.

Robin Lemaire

2023 Sam Overman Best Paper Award, Section for Complexity and Network Studies, American Society of Public Administration

Sedgwick, D., & Lemaire, R. H. (2024). Acquiesce, Compromise, or Avoid? Collaboration, Coordination, & Cooperation as Different Strategic Responses to Institutional Pressures. The American Review of Public Administration, 54(1), 57-70.

Yang, H., & Lemaire, R. H. (2022). Are collaborative challenges barriers to working together?–a multi-level multi-case network analysis. International Public Management Journal, 1-20. 

Selected to work with an international team science group, Across the PONs, on a large-N study of purpose-oriented networks, leading the governance sub-group and a member of the outcomes sub-group.

Yang, H., & Lemaire, R. H. (2023). Linking Organizational Collaborative Motivations with Purpose-oriented Network Characteristics. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 18012). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. 

McKeague, L., Wenzel, S., & Lemaire, R. H. (2023). Managing for the Ripples in the Pond: Brokering for Adaptability in Disaster Management. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 16303). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. 

Yang, H., & Lemaire, R. H. 2022. Are collaborative challenges barriers to working together?–a multi-level multi-case network analysis. International Public Management Journal, 1-20.

Sedgwick, D., Lemaire, R. H., Wirgau, J., and McKeague, L. K. 2022. Community foundations as network conveners: Structuring collective agency for child education and development system impact. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 32(2): 269-286.

Patiño, S. R. G., Da Silva Gomes, F., Constantinou, S., Lemaire, R., Hedrick, V. E., Serrano, E. L., & Kraak,

V. I. 2021. An Assessment of Government Capacity Building to Restrict the Marketing of Unhealthy Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Products to Children in the Region of the Americas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16): 8324.

Rincón-Gallardo Patino, S., Zhou, M., Da Silva Gomes, F., Lemaire, R., Hedrick, V., Serrano, E., and Kraak,

V. I. 2020. Effects of Menu Labeling Policies on Transnational Restaurant Chains to Promote a Healthy Diet: A Scoping Review to Inform Policy and Research. Nutrients, 12(6): 1544.

Lemaire, R. H. 2020. What is Our Purpose Here?: Network Relationships and Goal Congruence in a Canadian Child and Youth Health Network. American Review of Public Administration, 50 (2): 176-192.

Lemaire, R. H., Mannak, R., Ospina, S., and Groenleer, M. 2019. Striving for State of the Art with Paradigm Interplay and Meta-Synthesis: Purpose-oriented Network Research Challenges and Good Research Practices as a Way Forward. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2(3): 175– 186.

Lemaire, R. H. and Provan, K. G. 2018. Managing Collaborative Effort: How Simmelian Ties Advance Public Sector Networks. American Review of Public Administration, 48(5): 379-394.

Lemaire, R. H., Provan, K. G., Mercken, L., and Leischow, S. J. 2017. Shaping the Evolution of the Information Flow: The Centralizing Mechanisms in the Evolution of the North American Tobacco Quitline Consortium. International Public Management Journal, 20(3): 467-488.

Lemaire, R. H., Bailey, L., and Leischow, S. J. 2015. Meeting the Tobacco Cessation Coverage Requirement of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: State Quitlines and Cost-Sharing. American Journal of Public Health, 105(S5): S699-S705.

Mercken, L., Saul, J. E., Valente, T. W., Lemaire, R. H., and Leischow, S. J. 2015. Co-evolution of Information Sharing and Practice Implementation among North American Tobacco Cessation Quitlines. American Journal of Public Health, 105(9): 1814-1822.

Provan, K. G. and Lemaire, R. H. 2015. Positional Embeddedness in a Community Source Software Development Network: The Importance of Relationship Intensity. R&D Management, 45(5): 440-457.

Provan, K. G. and Lemaire, R. H. 2012. Core Concepts and Key Ideas for Understanding Public Sector Organizational Networks: Using Research to Inform Scholarship and Practice. Public Administration Review, 72: 638-648.

Celik, N., Xi, H., Xu, D., Son, Y-Y., Lemaire, R. H., and Provan, K. G. 2012. Simulation-based Workforce Assignment Considering Position in a Social Network. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 88:72-96.

Celik, N., Lee, S., Mazhari, E., Son,Y-J., Lemaire, R. H., and Provan, K.G. 2011. Simulation-based Workforce Assignment in a Multi-Organizational Social Network for Community Based Software Development. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 19: 2169-2188.

Jared J. Llorens

Wadsworth, L., Llorens, J. J., and Facer, R. (2018). Do Workplace Flexibilities Influence Employment Stability? An Analysis of Alternative Work Schedules, Turnover Intent and Gender in Local Government. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 21(4).

Llorens, J. J. (2015). Fiscally Driven Compensation Reform & Threats to Human Capital Capacity in the Public Sector. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 18(1).

Condrey, S. E., Facer, R. L., and Llorens, J. J. (2012). Getting it Right: How and Why We Should Compare Federal Private Sector Compensation. Public Administration Review, 72(6).

Clark, B. and Llorens, J. J. (2012). Investments in Scientific Research: Examining the Funding Threshold Effects on Scientific Collaboration and Variation by Academic Discipline. Policy Studies Journal, 40(4).

Condrey, S. E., Facer, R. L., and Llorens, J. J. (2012). Reforming Federal Pay. Compensation and Benefits Review, 44(3).

Condrey, S. E., Facer, R. L., and Llorens, J. J. (2012). Revitalize the Federal Workforce by Strengthening Four Critical Areas. Public Manager, (Winter).

Llorens, J. J. (2012). Uncovering the Role of Public Sector Employee Associations in Addressing Issues of Diversity and Representation. Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, 18(1).

Bushouse, B., Jacobson, W., Lambright, K., Llorens, J. J., Morse, R., and Poocharoen, O. (2011). Crossing the Divide: Building Bridges Between Public Administration Practitioners and Scholars. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 21(suppl 1).

Llorens, J. J., Stazyk, E. (2011). How Important are Competitive Wages? Exploring the Impact of Relative Wage Rates on Employee Turnover in State Government. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 31(2).

Llorens, J. J. (2011). Public Sector Recruitment in a Time of Hyper Technological Change: Towards a Model of E-Recruitment Adoption and Its Impact. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 31(4).

Llorens, J. J. and Battaglio, R. Paul (2010). Human Resources Management in a Changing World: Reassessing the Core of Public Human Resources Management Education. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 30(1).

Llorens, J. J. (2009). A Renewed Emphasis on Hiring: A Closer Look at the Federal Government's End-to-End Hiring Roadmap. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 29(4).

Llorens, J. J., Wenger, J., and Kellough, J. Edward (2008). Choosing Public Sector Employment: The Impact of Wages on the Representation of Women and Minorities in State Bureaucracies. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18(3).

Llorens, J. J. (2008). Uncovering the Determinants of Competitive State Government Wages. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 28(4).

Llorens, J. J. and Kellough, J. Edward (2007). A Revolution in Public Personnel Administration: The Growth of Web-Based Recruitment and Selection Processes in the Federal Service. Public Personnel Management, 36(3).

Holly Peterson

Peterson, Holly L. and Chad Zanocco. 2023. “Presidential Stories of Fear: Focusing Congressional Climate Change Mitigation Attention in the United States.” Review of Policy Research.

Peterson, Holly L., Chad Zanocco, and Leanne Giordono. 2023. “Minors can have Major Effects: Household Hurricane Preparation Insights from Alabama.” Society & Natural Resources. .

Giordono, Leanne, Chad Zanocco, Holly L. Peterson, and Hilary Schaffer Boudet. 2023. “Shelter from the Storm: How Perceived Extreme Event Experience and Government Trust Shape Public Support for Climate Change Mitigation Policy in the United States.” Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (14) 1.

Peterson, Holly L. 2023. “Narrative Policy Images: Intersecting Narrative & Attention in Presidential Stories about the Environment.” Policy Studies Journal (50) 1. .

Giordono, Leanne, Chad Zanocco, Holly L. Peterson, and Hilary Schaffer Boudet. 2022. “Shelter from the Storm: How Perceived Extreme Event Experience and Government Trust Shape Public Support for Climate Change Mitigation Policy in the United States.” Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (Early View). .

Pierce, Jonathan J., Leanne Giordono, Holly L. Peterson, and Katherine C. Hicks. 2022. “Common Approaches for Studying the Advocacy Coalition Framework: Review of Methods and Model Practices.” The Social Science Journal. .

Peterson, Holly L. 2021. “Narrative Policy Images: Intersecting Narrative & Attention in Presidential Stories about the Environment.” Policy Studies Journal (Early View).

Peterson, Holly L., Michael D. Jones, and Mark. K. McBeth. 2020. "Policy Process Theory for Rural Studies: Navigating Context and Generalization in Rural Policy.” Politics & Policy (48) 4: 575-617. .

Pierce, Jonathan J., Holly L. Peterson, and Katherine C. Hicks. 2020 “Policy Change: An Advocacy Coalition Framework Perspective.” Policy Studies Journal (48) 1: 64-86. .

Smith-Walter, Aaron, Michael D. Jones, Elizabeth A. Shanahan and Holly L. Peterson. 2019. “Narrative Cognition and Cultural Networks: How Groups Inform Campaign Finance Reform Preferences.” Quality & Quantity. .

Taylor, Casey, Trang Tran, Hilary Schaffer Boudet, Keith Baker and Holly L. Peterson. 2019. “Using Social Movements to Understand Community Response to LNG Development in Clatsop County, Oregon.” Case Studies in the Environment. .

Runner-up for Case Studies in the Environment’s most outstanding case study award for 2019-2020

Peterson, Holly L. 2018. “Political Information has Bright Colors: Narrative Attention Theory.” Policy Studies Journal 46 (4): 828-842. .

Pierce, Jonathan J., Holly L. Peterson, Michael D. Jones, Samantha Garrard, and Theresa Vu. 2017. “There and Back Again: A Tale of the Advocacy Coalition Framework.” Policy Studies Journal 45 (S1): S13-S46. .

Smith-Walter, Aaron, Holly L. Peterson, Michael D. Jones, and Ashley Reynolds. 2016. “Gun Stories: How Evidence Shapes Firearm Policy in the United States.” Politics & Policy 44 (6): 1053-1088. .

Jones, Michael D., Holly L. Peterson, Jonathan J. Pierce, Nicole Herweg, Amiel Bernal, Holly Lamberta Raney, and Nikolaos Zahariadis. 2016. “A River Runs Through it: A Multiple Streams Framework Meta-Review.” Policy Studies Journal 44 (1): 13-36. .

Pierce, Jonathan J., Saba Siddiki, Michael D. Jones, Kristin Schumacher, Andrew Pattison, and Holly L. Peterson. 2014. “Social Construction and Policy Design: A Review of Past Applications.” Policy Studies Journal 42 (1): 1-29. .

Anmol Soni

New Hampshire Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V) Working Group, in partnership with DNV Insights, Inc. grant (2022-2023), Principal Investigator: “Evaluating the benefits of utility funded energy efficiency programs”, Full Report can be found here.

Soni, A. & Chatterjee, A. (2023). Not just income: The enabling role of institutional confidence and social capital in household energy transitions in India. Energy Research & Social Science, (98): 103020. 

Mistur, E., Reyes, A., Soni, A., Boukhaima, H., & Newton, J. (2023). Deciding on justice: environmental justice in city council agenda-setting. Local Environment, 28(9), 1063–1081.  

Soni, A., & Chatterjee, A. (2023). Not just income: The enabling role of institutional confidence and social capital in household energy transitions in India. Energy Research & Social Science, 98, 103020.

Mistur, E., Reyes, A., Soni, A., Boukhaima, H., & Newton, J. (2023). Deciding on justice: environmental justice in city council agenda-setting. Local Environment, 1-19.Soni, A., Jose, J., & Kingsley, G. (2022). When cities take control: Explaining the diversity of complex local climate actions, Review of Policy Research.

Soni, A., & Mistur, E. M. (2022). Flirting with Disaster: Impacts of natural disasters on public support for environmental spending. Global Environmental Change, 75, 102552.

Brown, M. A., Soni, A., Lapsa, M. V., Southworth, K., & Cox, M. (2020). High energy burden and low-income energy affordability: conclusions from a literature review. Progress in Energy, 2(4).

Brown, M. A., Soni, A., Doshi, A. D., & King, C. (2020). The persistence of high energy burden: Results of a bibliometric analysis. Energy Research & Social Science, 70, 101756.

Brown, M. A., Li, Y., & Soni, A. (2020). Are all jobs created equal? Regional employment impacts of a US carbon tax. Applied Energy, 262, 114354.

Brown, M. A., Soni, A., & Li, Y. (2020). Estimating employment from energy-efficiency investments. MethodsX, 7, 100955.

Soni, A. (2019, December 5). Disruptive Technologies and Operational Energy. The Cipher Brief. (Link)

Brown, M. A., & Soni, A. (2019). Expert perceptions of enhancing grid resilience with electric vehicles in the United States. Energy Research & Social Science, 57, 101241. 

Soni, A. (2018). Out of sight, out of mind? Investigating the longitudinal impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident on public opinion in the United States. Energy Policy, 122, 169-175. 

Evaluation of the Pilot Project on Direct Transfer of Kerosene Subsidies in Kotkasim, Alwar. (2014). International Institute for Sustainable Development.

Sehjpal, R., Ramji, A., Soni, A., & Kumar, A. (2014). Going beyond incomes: Dimensions of cooking energy transitions in rural India. Energy, 68, 470-477. 

Mahajan, D., Soni, A., Joshi, M., Nanda, M., Ganeshan, S. (2013). Regional Cooperation for Energy Access and Energy Security in South and South-West Asia: Prospects and Challenges, Development Paper 1302, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, South and South West Asia Office

Co-author of the Chapter on Oil and Gas in TERI Energy Data Directory and Year Book (TEDDY), 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13

Mahajan, D., Soni, A., Joshi, M., Nanda, M., Ganeshan, S. (2013). Regional Cooperation for Energy Access and Energy Security in South and South-West Asia: Prospects and Challenges, Development Paper 1302, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, South and South West Asia Office

Policy Brief: Petroleum Product Pricing Reforms in India: Are We on the Right Track? (March, 2013). The Energy and Resources Institute. 

Fossil-Fuel Subsidy Reform in India: Cash transfers for PDS kerosene and domestic LPG. (2012). International Institute for Sustainable Development.

A Citizens’ Guide to Energy Subsidies in India. (2012). International Institute for Sustainable Development.

Soni, A. (2011). Country profile: petroleum-product subsidies in India, Subsidy Watch, Issue 44, 2011

Soni, A. (2011). Rationalization of petroleum product prices in India, Energy Security Insights, Volume 5 (Issue 3), 2011


Co-author - TERI-NFA Working paper series:

Min Su

Selected Journal Publications

Su, Min, and Christian Buerger. 2024. Playing Politics with Traffic Fines: Sheriff Elections and Political Cycles in Traffic Fines Revenue. American Journal of Political Science. Online first.

Su, Min, Can Chen, and Cathy Y. Liu. 2023. The Impact of Municipal Administrative Center Relocation on Urban Public Finance and Public Service Provision. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy working paper WP23MS1.

Su, Min. 2023. The Growing Role of Nontax Revenue Sources in American Cities.  In Research Handbook on City and Municipal Finance edited by Craig L. Johnson, Tima T. Moldogaziev, and Justin M. Ross, Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN-13 : 9781800372955.

Su, Min, Wenli Yan, and Nicholas Harvey. 2022. Pecking Order Theory and Church Debt Financing: Evidence from the United Methodist Church. Nonprofit Management & Leadership. 33(1): 179-201 

Chen, Can, Min Su, and Ping Zhang. 2022. What Drives States to Raise Gas Tax Rates? An Empirical Analysis. Public Works Management & Policy. 27(3): 222-237 

Su, Min. 2021. Discretion in Traffic Stops: The Influence of Budget Cuts on Traffic Citations. Public Administration Review. 81 (3): 446-458 

Su, Min. 2020. Taxation by Citation? Exploring Local Governments' Revenue Motive for Traffic Fines. Public Administration Review 80 (1): 36-45. 

Su, Min. 2020. Local Governments’ Responses to Revenue Changes: The Effects of Unreserved General Fund Balances. International Journal of Public Administration 43(11): 964-976. 

Su, Min. 2019. Understanding the Accumulation of Local Government Savings: A Dynamic Analysis. International Journal of Public Administration 42 (11): 893-903. 

Thomas, John C., Min Su, and Theodore Poister. 2018. How Do Legislators Assess Administrative Performance? Georgia’s Department of Transportation in the Eyes of the State’s Legislators. American Review of Public Administration 48 (8): 822-835. 

Su, Min, and W. Bartley Hildreth. 2018. Does Financial Slack Reduce Short-term Borrowing? Public Budgeting & Finance 38 (1): 95-113. 


Book Chapters

Su, Min. 2023. The Growing Role of Nontax Revenue Sources in American Cities. In Research Handbook on City and Municipal Finance edited by Craig L. Johnson, Tima T. Moldogaziev, and Justin M. Ross, Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN-13 : 9781800372955.

Thomas, John C., Theodore H. Poister, and Min Su. 2015. In the Eye of the Beholder: Learning from Stakeholder Assessments of Public Value. In Public Value and Public Administration, edited by John M. Bryson, Barbara Crosby, and Laura Bloomberg, 170-186. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. ISBN: 9781626162624.

Su, Min and Mingliang Zhu. 2010. Chapter 4. Consumption Tax and Chapter 6. Tariffs and Accounting Treatment of Export Tax Rebates. In Tax Accounting (Chinese edition). 21stCentury Higher Education Core Curriculum for Economics and Management Book Series, edited by Chang Cai and Rong Zheng. Beijing, China: Beijing Jiao Tong University Press. ISBN-10: 7811237598.



Su, Min, Can Chen, and Cathy Y. Liu. 2023. The Impact of Municipal Administrative Center Relocation on Urban Public Finance and Public Service Provision. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy working paper WP23MS1.

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