Electrical Systems

Name Title Phone Email
Vacant Electrical Systems Director 225-578-XXXX TBD
Ken Dickerson Engineer 225-578-4461 kdickerson@lsu.edu
Colt Guidry Maint. Manager B - Electrical 225-578-6969 cguid28@lsu.edu
Jim Henry Maint. Manager B - Fire & Security 225-578-6815 jimhenry@lsu.edu
Kurt Hastings Maint. Manager B - Nights & Weekends 225-578-3186 khasti1@lsu.edu 


High Voltage Electrical Systems

The High Voltage Electrical group is responsible for the electrical distribution system to more than 500 buildings on campus.  Electrical distribution is broken down into a 4,160-volt system and 13,800-volt system. The 4160 V system is made up of 53 feeders and over 17 miles of underground duct bank.  The 13.8kV system radial distributes power to 13.8kV/4160V substations and is 5 miles in length.   In addition to the high voltage system, this group is responsible for maintenance and repair of the street and security lighting systems throughout the main campus, as well as all other ancillary locations. The High Voltage Electrical crew assures adherence to all federal, state and local regulations regarding the operation and maintenance of the electrical utility system, specifically, requirements outlined in the National Electrical Code.   

Electrical Systems

The primary function of the Electrical group is to provide a safe and well-lit environment for students, faculty and staff.  The Electrical Shop supplies electrical service within buildings throughout campus. The department also repairs equipment and restores power in the event of incidental power outages within buildings on the secondary side of transformers.  This department maintains and keeps operative all exit and emergency lighting.  Additionally, the Electrical Department provides pathways and wiring for all telecommunication work on campus. 

Fire Alarm Systems

The primary function of the Fire Alarm group is to provide a safe and secure environment for students, faculty and staff.  The Fire Alarm group ensures proper function of specialty systems and life safety systems in campus buildings.  They provide services for the maintenance and installation of clock systems, fire alarm systems, and life safety systems.  

Nights/Weekend Crew

The Weekend and Night Crew take care of all HVAC, electrical and plumbing issues that occur after normal working hours. The Night Crew starts their work day at 3:30 p.m. and they work until midnight Monday through Friday. The Weekend Crew works from 7:30 a.m. until midnight Saturday through Sunday, as well as during any holiday when the campus is closed.