Submission Requirements and Process for Discipline Specific Projects 


Proposals must be submitted through Moodle by October 28, 2024, by noon. Please contact Amanda Marshall ( when the proposals are ready to be submitted. Amanda will send you a link to the Moodle site and add you as a user, which will allow the submission to be completed.


Only proposals comprised under Objectives 1.5 and 1.6 of the Student Technology Fee Plan are eligible for submission. Proposals will only be entertained from academic departments, colleges and schools, and academic and student service units (individuals may not apply). 


Text for narratives should be double spaced using 12-point font. Each proposal must include all of the following seven sections in this order:

1. Title Page*: Use the Title Page Form under “Submit Proposals”
2. Checklist*: Use the Checklist Form under “Submit Proposals”
3. Table of Contents: Include a one-page table of contents
4. Abstract (no more than one paragraph)
5. Narrative (no more than three pages) 
6. History 
7. Budget*: Use the Budget Form under “Submit Proposals” 

*All Principal Implementers MUST use the documents provided, Title page, Checklist, and Budget forms *


Proposals addressing Objectives 1.5 and 1.6 must be submitted through Community Moodle, for referral to the Committee, through deans (in the case of academic departments) and through all administrative channels up to and including the level of Vice-President for other units. They must be ranked in numeric order by the appropriate Dean/Vice President accompanied by explanation of ranking. Please allow sufficient time in submitting proposals for proper routing.

All projects comprised under Objectives 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and Strategic Goal 2 of the Plan will be initiated by the Student Technology Fee Oversight Committee. Formal proposals from the departments and units related to these objectives will not be considered by the Committee.

Notification of Award

  • Award notifications will be made in Fall 2024.
  • Terms of agreement will be enumerated in an award/agreement letter which will be sent to the Principal Implementer directly following approval award notification.

Format Requirements for 2024-2025 Discipline Specific Projects

Proposals will include narratives and formats that require attention to content and format provided below. 

Narratives should be written in a manner that convinces the reader of the need, worthiness, and impact of the technology requested on teaching, learning, and enhancing the student experience. 


Abstract should be one paragraph that summarizes the goals, request, and impact of the proposal. 


Narrative should be a maximum of three pages. Use the following questions as a guide for recommended content for the narrative.

  • What is the problem and/or need being addressed in the proposal?
  • Where will the technology be located?
  • How will the technology be used in the classroom, lab, or studio?
  • What is unique, innovative, or state of the art about the technology?
  • What students will have access to the technology?
  • How will the technology enhance teaching, learning, and/or the student experience?
  • What are the intended outcomes of the project?
  • Why is the technology requested integral to the outcomes?


Answer the following questions:

  • Have you been awarded a Discipline Specific Proposal award previously?
  • If so, did you complete the project?
  • Did you submit the required report in a timely fashion?


Using the budget sheet provided, present a complete budget summary for the project. Only items and quantities identified on the budget sheet will be approved for purchase if the grant is awarded. Once the grant is awarded, purchase of software is contingent on IT 100 approval. If the IT 100 is not approved the project funding will be returned to the Student Technology Fee Committee. 

On a separate page, provide a one-page justification for the items in this budget describing their use in the project. Furniture requests must be linked to a specific technology need in the proposal. Also, include other sources of funding, opportunities that could be leveraged, or other resources that will be available for this project.

Include one additional sheet with job descriptions for undergraduate student employees if applicable.