Property Claim Reporting

Initial Loss Response

  • Call LSU Police at 225-578-3231 immediately for emergencies, including spillage of hazardous materials, theft, vandalism, or any other criminal act. Safety is the primary concern and then property. (For details on planning to respond to an emergency, contact Risk Management.)
  • Call Facilities Services for any losses that require immediate professional action (such as water damage from a leaking pipe or roof, smoke damage to walls, collapsed ceiling, etc.). Contact Facilities 24 hours/7 days a week at (225) 578-2327.
  • Take immediate action to prevent injury or additional property damage. Departments must utilize the LSU master disaster response, mitigation, and restoration services contract (Contact Lemoine Disaster Recovery Services at 1.833.999.9110) for all losses or Risk Management must approve any alternative vendors before incurring expenses. Failure to utilize the master contract or request approval may result in loss of coverage for such services.
  • Take detailed videos and/or photographs of all damage; and, if known, the source of the damage (such as a broken water pipe or leaking roof).
  • Secure any material, equipment, or parts that might be a possible cause of the loss for future inspection by Risk Management. In the event of a fire, the scene must be preserved and secured pending inspection by Risk Management (in collaboration with EHS, Facility Services, and/or Fire Marshall). No damaged property or equipment should be discarded to ensure Risk Management can complete adequate inspections for loss measurement, salvage, and potential subrogation.
  • Until approved by Risk Management and Property Management, do not destroy or discard any damaged movable property. Such items should be preserved, separated, and inventoried and put it in the best possible order.
  • In the event the loss was potentially caused by the fault of a third party, Risk Management must be engaged prior to any investigation to preserve the integrity of the investigation. Risk Management and the General Counsel’s Office must coordinate the investigation.
  • If coordinating repairs, direct all vendors and contractors to be thorough and complete in their descriptions of work performed, including specific areas worked, descriptions of parts and services provided, and dates/hours work is performed.
  • Implement means to capture all loss-related expenses. Request a Workday project account from Accounting Services to track expenses for claims expected to exceed $25,000. Sponsored Program Accounting (SPA) will provide each damaged building/location a Grant Account after a FEMA declared disaster. 

Please use the form below to report damage to University buildings, contents, art, equipment as soon as reasonably possible to ensure a swift response from Risk Management staff. Contact Risk Management directly a if a loss is an emergency or repair cost is expected to exceed $25,000, at 225-578-7906. (do not delay in submitting a claim if the information is incomplete, as missing information can be provided later):

If more assistance is needed please email Risk Management.