Undergraduate Course Descriptions
The LSU General Catalog serves as both the official undergraduate and the graduate catalog of LSU and should be consulted for course decisions. Below you can see a list of undergraduate courses offered by the Department of Sociology.
SOCL 2001: Introductory Sociology (3)
This is a General Education course. Credit will not be given for this course and SOCL 2002. Major subject areas and
principles of sociology.
SOCL 2010: Louisiana in a Global Context (3)
Introduces students to the history, people and culture of Louisiana through academic
learning and hands on experience.
SOCL 2002 HONORS: Introductory Sociology (3)
This is a General Education course. Same as SOCL 2001 with a special honors emphasis for qualified students. Credit
will not be given for this course and SOCL 2001.
SOCL 2201: Introduction to Statistical Analysis (4)
Prereq.: MATH 1021 or equivalent. Open to sociology majors; open to others with permission of instructor. 3 hrs. lecture;
2 hrs. lab Descriptive statistics; inferential statistical methods including confidence
interval estimation and hypothesis testing for one and two population means and proportions;
one-way analysis of variance; simple linear regression and correlation; analysis of
categorical data.
SOCL 2211: Methods of Sociological Research (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 and SOCL 2201 or equivalent. Open to sociology majors; open to others with permission of instructor. Scientific
methods and their application in sociological research, including problem selection,
research design, measurement, data sources and evaluation of data.
SOCL 2301: Introduction to Crime Studies (3)
Fundamentals of the causes, correlates, consequences, and controls of crime in society,
including definitional and methodological issues.
SOCL 2255: Sociology of Sport (3)
Application of sociological principles, theories, and methods to the understanding
of sport.
SOCL 2371: Aspects of Federal, State, & Local Law Enforcement (3) Survey of federal, state & local law enforcement agencies origins, powers, and career expectations.
SOCL 2411: Industrial Sociology (3)
Social organization in industry; relation of industry to community and society.
SOCL 2501: Current Social Problems (3)
This is a General Education course. Sociological analysis of major social problems in contemporary society; focus on
both the institutional and personal causes and consequences.
SOCL 2505: Marriage and Family (3)
This is a General Education course. Current issues and trends regarding marriage and family.
SOCL 2511: Race Relations (3)
Also offered as AAAS 2511. Designated as a Service-Learning Course. Examines relations among persons of different racial groups in an interdisciplinary
setting that includes sociological, psychological, political, anthropological and
historical viewpoints.
SOCL 3101: Sociological Theory (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Open to sociology majors; open to others with permission of instructor. Dominant
theorists and schools of thought in sociology.
SOCL 3371: Sociology of the Criminal Justice System (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. The criminal justice system and its organizational components.
SOCL 3401: Sociology of Culture (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Current theoretical perspectives, methodological issues and empirical work in the
sociological study of culture.
SOCL 3501: Sociology of Deviance (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Sociological theories of deviant behavior; sup-porting research on mental illness,
crime, sexual deviance, drug abuse and suicide.
SOCL 3505: Poverty in the United States (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or SOCL 2501 or equivalent. Definition of poverty, its meaning, measurement, causes, correlates and consequences;
strategies for its amelioration and elimination.
SOCL 3510: Criminal Violence (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. An in-depth study of criminal violence, including its forms, myths and facts regarding
victims and offenders, and the causes, consequences and control of violence.
SOCL 3601: Social Interaction (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or PSYC 2000 or equivalent. Human behavior as social interaction.
SOCL 3900: Sociology Internship (1-3)
Prereq.: 75 hours of course work completed, 2.50 overall GPA, written consent of department
head and supervising faculty member. May be taken for a max. of 3 hrs. of credit. Faculty supervised field study/research
with an agency or organization whose mission is considered relevant to the student's
SOCL 3901: Directed Reading and Research in Sociology (1-3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. May be taken for a max. of 3 sem. hrs. credit. Student registers with a faculty
member before registration to select the area of reading or research. Topic must not
substitute for regularly offered courses unless reading goes beyond a standard course's
SOCL 3905 HONORS: Senior Thesis Research (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 3901. Open to seniors who are candidates for a bachelor's degree with honors in sociology.
Supervised research and preparation of a senior thesis.
SOCL 3911: Research Practicum in Sociology (1-3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2211 and SOCL 3101. May be taken for a max. of 3 sem. hrs. credit. Student registers with a faculty
member and, in consultation, selects a research problem. Supervised research experience
in sociology, including design, execution and reporting.
SOCL 4091: Topics in Sociology (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Recent topics
have included:
- Corrections
- Environmental Sociology
- Racial Inequality
- Social Construction of Whiteness
- Sociology of Disaster
- Sociology of Mental Health
SOCL 4321: The Community (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Classical and contemporary perspectives on the community; theoretical and methodological
issues associated with community studies.
SOCL 4331: Social Stratification (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Class and rank structure in society; determinants of social class, mobility, and
changes in class position of both individuals and groups; attitudinal and behavioral
consequences of class position.
SOCL 4401: The Family (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. The family as a social institution.
SOCL 4402: Modeling Communication Within Marital and Family Relationships (3)
See CMST 4118.
SOCL 4421: Political Sociology (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Social structure and politics.
SOCL 4431: Sociology of Education (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Designated as a Service-Learning Course. Theoretical approaches to understanding the roles of the institution of education,
socialization processes, the linkages between education and stratification and educational
SOCL 4441: Sociology of Religion (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Nature of religion; societal and cultural factors
in religion; role of religion in social change and in contemporary society.
SOCL 4451: Sociology of Medicine (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Sociological analysis of the structure and function of health agencies and occupations;
social and cultural factors in the cause and treatment of illness.
SOCL 4452: Sociology of Mental Health (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent.This course will provide a broad overview of the sociology of mental health.
SOCL 4461: Criminology (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Crime, the criminal justice system and penology.
SOCL 4462: Sociology of Youth and Crime (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. The sociological study of adolescent deviance and crime; the socio-demographic correlates
and social psychological causes of youthful offending and the juvenile justice system.
SOCL 4463: Gender and Crime (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Examination of gender as a socially, culturally and historically situated accomplishment
and its relationship to criminal offending and victimization.
SOCL 4464: Rural Crime (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Focuses on the nature, extent, causes, consequences and control of crime in rural
America; topics include violence, property crime, fear of crime and agricultural and
wildlife crime.
SOCL 4465: Drugs and Society (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Designated as a Service-Learning Course. An exploration of the net of social relations in which drugs, drug users, drug dealers
and drug laws are embedded; involves critical analysis of popular claims about drugs
and the development of a sociological understanding of substance use and abuse in
the modern U.S.
SOCL 4466: Crime Mapping (3)
Also offered as GEOG 3043. Designated as a Service-Learning Course. Fundamentals of crime mapping and crime analysis with spatial data using Geographic
Information Systems (GIS)
SOCL 4467: Crime GIS (3)
Prereq.: Any one of the following courses: GEOG 2040, GEOG 4044, GEOG 4047, GEOG 4048,
SOCL 4466. Also offered as GEOG 4043. Advanced spatial crime analysis, modeling, and mapping
using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
SOCL 4468: Sociology of Gangs (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2301 or equivalent. The sociological study of gangs in modern society.
SOCL 4469: Policing and Race in the US (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2301 or equivalent. Explores the relationship between policing and race in the United States.
SOCL 4471: Sociology of Law (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Law and social change; evolution of legal institutions; group conflict and law;
influence of legal controls and sanctions on human behavior.
SOCL 4521: Sociology of Gender (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Gender differences in families, education, the workplace and the state; understanding
the social, economic and cultural factors that shape the lives of men and women; theoretical
analysis of how different women and men experience the social world.
SOCL 4531: The Aged in Contemporary Society (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Social, demographic, psychological, cultural and health factors related to the aging
process in contemporary society.
SOCL 4532: Death and Dying in the US (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Understanding death and dying as it relates to individuals and society in the US.
SOCL 4551: Global Society (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Presents central concepts and major perspectives on international development, globalization
and world poverty and income inequality.
SOCL 4561: Magic and Technology (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Analysis of the knowledge, practices and social interactions of humans and nonhumans,
including animals, spirits, cyborgs and robots.
SOCL 4601: Personality and Social Structure (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 3601 or PSYC 3140 or equivalent. Interaction of social structures, such as the family, peer group and school, with
the personalities of individuals; processes by which each affects the other.
SOCL 4621: Small Groups (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Analysis of groups, their structure and functions.
SOCL 4701: Population (3)
Prereq.: SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Processes that influence size and composition of human populations; determinants
and consequences of demographic trends.