Mark Mitchell

Mark Mitchell

Professor of Zoological Medicine

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences

LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Joined LSU Vet Med Faculty June 1, 2016



In the News



PhD, Louisiana State University, 2001

MS, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1996

DVM, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1992

BS, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1990


Diplomate, European College of Zoological Medicine

Research Interest

My research focus is on wildlife epidemiology, conservation medicine, and one health.

Teaching Interest

My teaching interests are focused on training graduate students and veterinary students to recognize their potential and challenge them to become renaissance clinician scientists. I teach epidemiology, biostatistics, and clinical zoological medicine.

Clinical Interest

My clinical interest are broad and I enjoy practicing medicine and surgery on all major groups of animals: invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. I am currently the Director of the Wildlife Hospital of Louisiana and oversee the management of the North Amercian wildlife presented to LSU.

Awards & Honors

May 2020, Louisiana State University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Class of 2020 Commencement speaker

April 2020, LSU Distinguished Thesis Award- Kimberly Boykin, Committee Chair

January 2020-December 2024, Marie Louise Martin Professor

2016, Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians, Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarian Excellence Award

2016, Zoetis Distinguished Teacher Award

2015, Dr. Erwin Small Teaching Excellence Award

2014, Veterinary Practice News, 14 Veterinarians to Watch

2013, Dr. Erwin Small Teaching Excellence Award

2012, Dr. Erwin Small Teaching Excellence Award

2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, University of Illinois CVM Convocation Speaker

2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, University of Illinois CVM White Coat Ceremony Speaker

2011-2016, University of iIllinois CVM Convocation Hooder

2011, Dr. Lloyd Helper Faculty Collegiality Award

2010, Pfizer Distinguished Teacher Award

2010, Dr. Lloyd Helper Faculty Collegiality Award

2008, Dr. Lloyd Helper Faculty Collegiality Award

2007, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Convocation Speaker

2007, AVMA Certificate of Appreciation

2003, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Volunteer Servicer Award

2003, North American Veterinary Conference, Exotic Animal Speaker of the Year


Cacciopo JA, Perry SM, Rockwell K, Mitchell MA*. A survey of husbandry and breeding techniques in the ball python (Python regius) pet trade. J Herp Med Surg, 31(1): 120-129, 2021.  

Perry SM, Acierno MA, Mitchell MA*. Measuring the level of agreement between osmometer and calculated plasma osmolalities in two species of chameleons, Furcifer pardalis and Chamaeleo calyptratus. J Herp Med Surg, 31(1): 130-137, 2021.

Boykin K, Mitchell MA*. The value of black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) as a food source: A review. J Herp Med Surg, 31(1): 95-106, 2021.

Walden M, Mitchell MA*. Pathogenesis of Isospora amphiboluri in bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). Animals, 11(2), 438; doi:10.3390/ani11020438, 2021

Boykin K, Mitchell MA*. Evaluation of vitamin A gutloading in black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens), Zoo Biol,, 2021

Horsley K, Gines A, Mitchell MA. Effect of sedation on the neurological examination of the patellar and withdrawal reflexes in healthy dogs. Front Vet Sci, May 10;8:664150

Berg KJ, Schexnayder M, Grasperge BJ, Diaz-Figueroa O, Mitchell MA, Nevarez JG. Establishment of Reference intervals for complete blood count, total and ionized calcium, total and ionized magnesium, and phosphorus in the red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria). J Herp Med Surg, 31(2): 124-131, 2021.

Coisnon C, Mitchell MA, Rannou B, LeBoudec K. 2021. Subjective assessment of frequency distribution histograms and consequences on reference interval accuracy at small sample sizes: A computer-simulated study. Vet Clin Path, 50(3):427-441.

Carossino M, Bauer R, Wakamatsu-Utsukia N, Mitchell MA, Cummings C, Stohr A, Harper K, Langohr IM, Schultz K, Mitchell MS, Del Piero F, Howe DK, Balasuriya UBR. 2021. Pathological and immunohistochemical findings during an outbreak of systemic toxoplasmosis in a herd of red kangaroos (Macropus rufus). J Vet Diag Invest,  33(3):554-565.  

Rockwell K, Boykin K, Padlo J, Ford C, Aschebrock S, Mitchell MA*. Evaluating the efficacy of alfaxalone in corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus). Vet Anesth Anal, 48: 364-371, 2021. 

Grant Funding

Perry SM, Mitchell MA*. Preventing the permanent camouflaging of chameleons: Establishing an assisted reproductive program for male chameleons using the panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) as a model. LSU-Audubon Center for Research on Endangered Species, 10/1/16- 6/30/17, $45,260, Co-PI

Perry SM, Mitchell MA*. Establishing an assisted reproductive program for the male chameleons using panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis) and veiled chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratrus). LSU-Audubon Center for Research on Endangered Species, 7/1/17- 6/30/18, $49,977, Co-PI

Mitchell MA, Boykin K. Evaluating the efficacy of F10 against Salmonella sp. in the aquatic habitat of the red-ear slider, Trachemys scripta elegans. Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, 7/2018-6/2019, $7,000, PI.

Perry SM, Mitchell MA*. Determining the effect of exogenous human chorionic gonadotropin on circulating testosterone concentrations and semen production in veiled chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus). VCS Corp grant, 10/1/17- 7/15/18, $4,999.91, Co-PI

Boykin K, Mitchell MA*. Assessment of vitamin A gut loading in black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) and determination of digestibility and nutrient absorption when fed to leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius). VCS Corp grant, 7/2017-6/2018, $4998, Co-PI.

Perry SM, Mitchell MA*. Preventing carapacial fossilization: Establishing short and long term semen storage in chelonians: $2,994.72; ARAV Conservation grant, Co-PI

Camlic S. Perry SM, Mitchell MA*. Determining the best semen extender for panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis). Morris Animal Foundation Student Scholars program, 5/2017-8/2017,  $5,000, Co-PI

Boykin K, Mitchell MA*. Development of a novel insect-based diet for corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus). VCS Corp grant, 7/2018-6/2019, $3,940, Co-PI.

Molitor L, Mitchell MA*. Can Crickets Fed a Novel Semi-Moist Gut-Loading Diet Serve as a Calcium and Vitamin D resource for Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius). VCS Corp Grant, 10/1/18- 7/15/19, $4,000, Co-PI.

Ashebrock A, Boykin K, Mitchell MA*. Assessing the Digestibility of a Commercial Pelleted Diet and an Experimental Semi-Moist Diet in Red-Foot Tortoises. Morris Animal Foundation Student Scholars program, 5/2019-8/2019,  $5,000, PI

Perry SM, Boykin K, Mitchell MA*. Developing Methods to Cryopreserve Semen in Squamates: Every Sperm is Sacred!! LSU-Audubon Center for Research on Endangered Species, 7/19- 6/20, $38,489, Co-PI  

Boykin K, Mitchell MA.  Investigating the transmission and prevalence of Acheta domesticus densovirus (AdDV) and other associated viruses within commercial cricket farms. USDA 1433, 8/1/19-7/31/20, $7500, Co-PI

Windle D, Mitchell MA. It Looks Like a Walking Green Twinkie: Determining the Nutritional Value of Captive-Bred and Reared Tobacco Hornworms (Manduca sexta). VCS Corp, 10/1/19-6/30/20, $3,995, Co-PI

Boykin K, Mitchell MA. Eat More Crickets: Using Next Generation Sequencing to Limit Disease Outbreaks in the Commercial Cricket Industry. VCS Corp, 10/1/19-6/30/20, $4,000, Co-PI

Mitchell MA, Mason A, Perry SM. Determining the effects of exogenous human chorionic gonadotropin and pregnant mare serum gonadotropin on plasma testosterone and semen production in leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius). ACRES grant, 7/1/20-6/30/21, $44,546, PI.